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File 134698579917.gif - (40.45KB , 650x450 , 05261.gif )
68089 No. 68089
Oh god a regular update

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>> No. 68093
Looks like they're going to be exploring those tiny planets finally. Nothing better for them to do.
>> No. 68106
LE, speaker of the vast glub, horrorterror, prospit and derse hugging intimately...what is the beaglepuss supposed to be?
>> No. 68108
A clever disguise
>> No. 68111
File 134700419211.png - (15.20KB , 88x145 , tumblr_m9xoez4dlf1r8t2ryo1_100.png )
Apparently this guy is now canon. So I guess we discuss him here?
>> No. 68113
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But he's way too mysterious for us to discuss him yet! Seriously, what's up with those glasses? What's up with that top hat? What's his deal!
>> No. 68114
Eridan MK2?
>> No. 68115
i hope by exploring the planets we'll finally get more concrete definitions of the godtier kids classes and aspects.

That or they're finally burying all the dead folks they've left around on the planets.
>> No. 68135
Time for random questing and planet lore! Yay
>> No. 68146
Anyone else having problems with the auto-save feature? Every couple months it just decides to stop working, and does so even without changing any browser settings.
>> No. 68168
Word on the street is that it gets fucked up if you visit both "mspaintadventures.com" (no "www") and "www.mspaintadventures.com" (with the "www").
>> No. 68169
So what's going on in the egbert residence? 10 bucks says they're watching little monsters.
>> No. 68205
Close but no cigar.
>> No. 68208
Dang they really are watching a movie. I thought light-reflecting quest hijinks like on Jane's planet were going to be had.
>> No. 68217
I don't have the give a fuck to get through the walkaround flash. Is there anywhere I can go for highlights?
>> No. 68220
dude what's up with john's hair

it looks different
>> No. 68221
I love that befriending imps wasn't a thing that only Gamzee did.

That shonen fly-away-cow-lick thing is gone. If only Jade's curved plate of hair on the back of her head would do the same.
>> No. 68223
>> No. 68235
I think John and Jade aren't so much being friendly with imps, so much as not giving a fuck and letting them do whatever they want. They seem pretty tame and are about as harmless as flies to them by now.

Who gives a shit about any of this though. I want to see what's up with the alpha kids and where the hell did Jane's dad go?
>> No. 68236
Also the imps have fuck all to do now.
All the royalty is dead so the war is kinda moot, the denizens have had a deal struck so they arnt giving out orders, and its possible in the yellow yard they might be cutoff from SBURB's mechanics in general.
>> No. 68242
Most shocking twist yet.
>> No. 68243
hey look
finally some REAL character development
>> No. 68244

>> No. 68245
ok...kinda curious here. is Hussie doing something with this? Or is he just changing something to "mess with the readers"
>> No. 68246
was only a matter of time I suppose
>> No. 68247
part of having a guilty pleasure is to admit that the thing you like sucks
is all part of its natural development
>> No. 68248
As the panels progressed I found myself quietly saying "John, no....don't say it" the whole time. I've got a problem and it is appreciation of John's shitty taste in movies. Is nothing sacred?
>> No. 68250
The age of Con Air is over.

The age of Weekend at Bernie's begins
>> No. 68252
File 134722998295.jpg - (93.80KB , 864x648 , 1341650506691.jpg )
As soon as he said
>i just realized something.
I knew it was over.

RIP Nick Cage
>> No. 68254
1) He probably thinks it's funny.
2) John's fifteen. It's been two years. People change.
>> No. 68255
... no
>> No. 68256
john's growing. he's going to start watching mature, sensibile films like donnie darko and fight club
>> No. 68258
no what?
>> No. 68260
>> No. 68281
Jake loves terrible movies, and he's still older than John by a year now. I think this is more of Jane's side surfacing, because she thinks those movies are terrible. Like most people do.
>> No. 68282
Or it could be the fact that he's probably been watching it continually for 2 goddamned years.
>> No. 68286
>> No. 68290
Is MSPA down for anyone else?
>> No. 68291
MSPA is down for me too.
>> No. 68292
godaddy is down so mspa is down with it
>> No. 68293
not for me? maybe it's a location thing, northeast us here
>> No. 68328
RIP Davesprite x Jade

Now 9/11 will truly be associated with tragedy
>> No. 68329
File 134742249187.gif - (1.16MB , 160x120 , whatdidyoujustsay.gif )
>JADE: he uh...
>JADE: kind of broke up with me
>> No. 68330
man i can't believe we took us this long to see John genuinely angry
>> No. 68332
John, you're starting to sound like Karkat
>> No. 68333
Man that was just awkward to read. Like wow so much just ugggh not bad just uggghhh i felt weird
>> No. 68334
On that note maybe John being so angry is foreshadowing for Karkat's memories and how he became such an angry piece of shit (i.e. being a complete shut-in with like no friends except maybe Terezi and never being able to trust anyone but his lusus on account of his mutant blood)
>> No. 68335
wow HSG is spiraling on depression about this new update
>> No. 68336
He sounds more like Dave to me. Then somewhere in the middle of his angry ranting, it came right back around to sounding like the dorky John we know, only a slight bit older and feeling cheated out of his warm fuzzy bad movie memories.
>> No. 68338
He still likes Nic Cage though.
>> No. 68339
Not that surprising they broke up, I mean, she doesn't consider him the real Dave.
>> No. 68340
He's just practice for the real deal.
>> No. 68341
it's really easy to figure out why karkat is the way he is. we don't need a flashback sequence to spell it out for us, it would be a huge waste of time that could be spent on stuff that we didn't actually know.

he was friends with terezi, sollux, eridan, aradia and, grudgingly, gamzee before the game began, at the very least. he also seemed to be friends with kanaya although it's possible they became close during the game because i don't think a pre-game kanaya-karkat interaction was mentioned, unlike the others. i think it's safe to say they all liked him though, they just hated playing games with him because he'd get so mad and it wasn't fun after he'd flipped the board.

hussie is just out of practice with writing john, so his natural voice (which is close to dave's) is seeping in on john's dialogue. once your cast hits a certain limit--which he's definitely passed--it gets difficult to give every character a unique voice and if you're not paying attention, all of those just get muddled in your head over time. and sometimes, if you've let a character gather dust, you just forget what he sounded like in the first place. this happened to rose for a while, too, and probably some of the trolls, although it might be harder to notice degradation in their speech because the quirks obfuscate it. even if they all basically talk the same they won't SOUND the same since you'll recognise the 2s and caps and double ws as variance in delivery. the more weird shit in the dialogue the harder it is to notice too.
>> No. 68344
Hussie posted this on his tumblr:

>One thing worth highlighting here: for all people in tiers $50 and higher, I’ll send out a beta version of the next Homestuck mini game update, several days before it shows up on the site. You can help us test it! Aiming to have that done in about a week.

So that's a timeframe on the next flash update. Any of you put over $50 in the Kickstarter, so we can get in the INSIDE SCOOP?
>> No. 68346
That was my reaction too. Jade-proper and Davesprite didn't even have a chatlog together. Up into this point it was an ambiguous assumption by John. It seemed more sudden than Sollux's/Feferi's relationship.
>> No. 68347
Look's like John is coming to the same realization I had about godzilla movies I had when I hit 16. I still enjoy 'em but it's like "wait this sucks! but that's why it's awesome..." Now I enjoy stuff like adam wests batman, shattner era star trek other so bad it's good stuff. I figure he still like's cheesy stuff he's just shocked that he never realized how bad this stuff really is. Give it a few updates and he'll be quoting cage in other stuff.

In the meantime.... Anybody else wonder if there are other Sburb sessions being run by kids who hang out in spaceships all the time? And what're the universes produced by session's like? Since the kid's keep their aspect powers could they begin traveling throughout the multiverse in a dersite/prospitan starship...?

I put way too much thought into this shit.
>> No. 68348
Well, it's been a year or so since we last saw them.

Jadesprite and Jade are the same person. Literally, now that they've merged. It's very likely Jade has traces of Jadesprite's feelings/personality/memories in some manner, even if it's not as obvious as the dog ears she got from Bec. And why wouldn't she like Davesprite? Despite what she says, he's still Dave, just with wings, a bit more angst (and experience with alcohol, it seems) and the possibility of facing certain doom.
>> No. 68350
Well durr. That was the point. We just skipped a year, remember?
>> No. 68353
why is he talking a bout homestuck :y
>> No. 68363
No way, Jade and Dave actually interacted. We knew they were friends--good friends--for a very long time, and it was demonstrated. Sollux/Feferi was out of literally nowhere and between two characters that we don't really know anything about as individuals, nevermind what their friendship was like pre-game (or if they even had a friendship).

It's not surprising she and Dave had romantic feelings for each other, and it's not surprising that they broke up either. This sequence is mostly just illustrating the passage of time and growing up. Jade had her first boyfriend and got dumped for the first time, John enters into the point in his life where he gets hit with the realisation that the stuff he liked as a kid is kind of stupid, but he's not old enough to be able to enjoy it for its nostalgia/so-bad-it's-good factor. Everybody goes through that sort of thing sometime. The breakup isn't actually meant to be a huge reveal, that's not the point of the update.

I just figured they rebuilt their native society on a new planet--or a copy was imported by Skaia--and watch over it and the new developing societies as gods. First Guardians aren't in every universe, they just fill in when the players of the progenitor session are missing. Like in the case of the troll-to-human one.
>> No. 68372
Fair enough, It sounds reasonable enough and has it's own merits. Can't help but wonder when the kids would enter their new universe, right at the start of habitable planet development or what....? Heh, now I'm wondering if Sburb has a Master of Orion 2 style galaxy generator Application...

Come to that...

Alright so we all remember Rose mentioning that multiple Sburb Game FAQs were popping up. and that when they entered the Medium they stopped updating leading everyone else to believe the other Sburb gamers died. Personally I like to think each planet spawns several Sburb sessions, thus giving the "last sons of krypton" as it were a decent chance of continuing their species on a new planet.

I can't help but wonder how many methods there are of escaping a doomed session... and what the consequences for quitting in the middle of a game session are?

I mean what if you just shrunk all those planetoid-labs down and used a Dersite space ship to find a new homeplanet in your old universe?
>> No. 68374

I think the multiple game sessions is a given, seeing as Rose said this:

>ROSE: Biologically speaking, it's to be expected that null sessions far outnumber the successful ones. When it comes to reproductive systems, overwhelming redundancy is commonplace.
>ROSE: A universe has a reproductive system that spreads many seeds, as it were, most of which never come to fruition. So we shouldn't feel too bad about our results, really. It was quite par for the course.

Wouldn't make much sense for 1 universe to have 1 Sburb session. That means that every single session must be successful, otherwise the chain would be broken and there would be no more life.
>> No. 68377
my interpretation of all this is that any given planet will generally have only one session successful enough to Enter (since that's the session that the frog temple with the game code on its walls came from), but a universe can contain millions upon millions of civilized worlds, each of which will have a turn at the game.
>> No. 68379
Interesting, Valid points all around.

One of the things that drove me nuts though was hussie's use of the word "alpha timeline" I mean why do John and company have to be the center of the universe (aside form being the protagonists) It seems to me that Sburb reproduces not just in one timeline but across every single possible timeline. After all the cosmic toad contains every single possible version of a universe. ( I Like to call him Amphibious Prime. ) I don't really think there's such a thing as an "Alpha Timeline" just a timeline that you aren't a part of and have the opprotuinity to join via shenanigans.

Anyway... Ever wonder if there are sessions that switch players around? Like you enter the medium and all of a sudden there's 5 trolls wondering wher their buddy is, and back where you're supposed to be there's one very confused troll and 5 wierded out humans?
>> No. 68380
That's obvious when you look at who's playing the game.

Sburb was an open beta in John's world; there were many people playing, reviews, gameFAQs walkthroughs, etc. Theirs was a primary session giving rise to many seeds. Many that died, some that possibly succeeded, and John's session which is kind of like a zombie, I guess. Meenah's was probably much the same.

When games are scratched, the rewound world is tailored specifically to the group of players who caused the scratch, and they are the only ones who play the game. Sollux made the trolls' game and shared it only with his friends. Roxy got her copies though a secret route probably only accessible to her. Nobody else had a chance. Whether or not a hard reset affects ALL sessions (as in, if one session in a brood pushes the panic button, all sessions EXCEPT that one vanish from existence) is unknown.

I also expect that John's session and Karkat's are linked in a circular fashion. The trolls created the humans, and the humans will eventually create the trolls (and Kanaya uses the egg to give Beforus its first Mother Grub). The events happening in the story, the Green Sun's creation for instance, or LE destroying everything, are both the beginning and the end of everything that exists, has existed, or will ever exist. Looping timelines are everywhere in Homestuck, and Andrew himself said Homestuck IS a creation myth.
>> No. 68385

Wasn't Meenah the only one who got access in the game to the first place, by retreating to the moon and finding out about it there?
>> No. 68389
That's how she got it, doc scratch was involved, however tangetially with that session and may have actively sabotaged the Beforus trolls. Remember the scratch? It's part of a stable timeloop of sorts, when looking at it that way you can always assume that there's an alternate session where meenah isn't the one who found the game but someone else found it instead.

Paradox Space was Hussie's stroke of genius, everything is possible, everyting is permitted, because, somewhere somehow it's all heppning rightthis instant.
>> No. 68397

I find the difference between Alpha and Beta pretty arbitrary. According to Hussie Beta timelines are doomed, presumably to die. But isnt that the fate of all living things? We've seen that doom isnt instant, someone could be in a doomed beta timeline and die peacefully of old age. Hell, you probably wouldnt even know you were in a Beta unless you had an intimate knowledge of your timeline.
>> No. 68405
Beta timelines are timelines with unfulfilled paradoxes, and the sessions within them are sterile. Players WILL die sometime during the session because they will never be able to complete it; whether it's from random accidents or murder or suicide or old age, they're doomed to stay there until the sweet release of death. That is what it means to be doomed. The session in a beta timeline is essentially recognizing that its framework is fucked up and committing suicide to prevent further damage. Failure for cells to undergo apoptosis when they are fubar leads to cancer.

Alpha timelines are in proper order and therefore have a chance at proliferating--not that they are always sucessful either.

I think this possibly what happened with the troll session: it wasn't supposed to create anything and it DID trap its players in the session, but reproduction happened anyway and, well, its descendant got cancer. The so-called alpha timeline in Homestuck is not a true alpha timeine, but an out-of-control beta trying to repair all its discrepancies in increasingly bizarre ways, which includes cannibalising other dead timelines to create explanations for its existence.

The whole universe reproduction thing is very interesting from a biological standpoint. I have no idea if he thought of this or it's just coincidence that it works as well as it does, though. But from either point it's still a neat spin on fate in fiction, since from the viewpoint of the players it is strictly predeterministic--there is only one action they can take and only one outcome, everything is aready laid out for them--while the big picture is still all about free will and random chance.
>> No. 68413
I think I have a consistent understanding of "Alpha" and "Offshoot" timelines in my brain, but I'm having a lot of trouble communicating it in a post.

I don't agree that offshoot timelines are sterile, though - just that someone will decide to travel back in time. Who knows, maybe in one of the timelines Aradiabot revised, the Trolls made a completely unrelated frog, and that universe is fucking off in Paradox Space somewhere, totally unconcerned with the mess of the primary storyline.
>> No. 68415
Okay, enough of these stupid doomed timeline ponderings, we've more hard-hitting questions to tackle: having sex with a sprite.
>> No. 68416
This basically mirrors my thoughts on the matter, if we take the Many Worlds Theory(I.E. If it's possible it's happening, somewhere, out there.) and apply it to Sburb and Homestuck we can assume for every failed session there's a succseful session. What fascinates me are the timelines where the doomed players escape via time travel or taking advantage of the unique nature of paradox space to break into another universe, though Sburb being Sburb will probably just dump them into a new, probably doomed, game session.

That's a damned good subject and it needs tackling! Okay we know for a fact that that the first prototyping (unless you're in a null session) will modify the underlings and royalty, therefore you want to add something that will weaken the opposition the first prototyping.

The second prototyping, and any prototyping there after have no effect on the game world so its free game from there.

Just for fuck's sake, don't prototype a thumb drive full up on porn FIRST.
>> No. 68417
Actually, the second prototyping will affect the enemies and royalty as long as you do it before entering the medium.
Enemies in the Beta kids' universe have cat features as well as tentacles, thanks to Rose's dual-prototyping.
>> No. 68419
Okay, noted, PreMedium prototyping mods the underlings and royalty. Post medium prototyping mods the sprite and only the sprite.

So make certain that the Corruption of Champions thumbdrive does not get added to your sprite until you're well inside the medium.
>> No. 68426
>for every failed session there's a successful session
I don't think this is true. Most sessions across most timelines will fail. Very few go on to become new universes. Those that do have good players who do a proper sequence of events with no paradoxes. It's natural selection of a massive, superuniversal scale. It's also canon: Rose said as much.

Timelines are not infinite either; they occur when players make certain choices and when the Time player uses their powers. Some events will never happen no matter how things are reworked, either because the stimulus will never be there or the player would just never choose to do that thing. I think it's also likely that players can only create these branches when they are in the game. So, there are many sessions that may have several thousand branch points but all lead to dead ends.

I can talk about Jade & Dave, sex and universes at the same time though if you'd like. Time players are necessary not just for resetting the session in case something goes wrong, but also for creating a mass of timelines, from which multiple instances of the same universe may survive to the next generation. It is a form of asexual reproduction because instances created from a timeline split are, up until that point, identical. Even if there aren't many sessions, with a Time player making branch points every time they use their power, one session might be able to give rise to a lot of new universes if the players are really that good. Space on the other hand is sexual, since it's the Space player who facilitates creation with the frog hunt/breeding stuff, and the universe created by them is unique, but also much more costly than a copy with a lot more riding on it. That's why Time and Space are the base aspects in a session. They're both methods of making babies used by the session to ensure some iteration will survive.
>> No. 68428
Many worlds theory, same thing as the Law Of Averages. (I.E. it may not happen often but it will happen eventually.) Also I'll take anything a Seer says with a pinch of salt, much less a Hussie mouthpiece. (This is the guy who killed off the Alternatrolls and Equis so he didn't have to write them into anything. Lazy bastard declares Canon half the time just so he doesn't have to deal with things he doesn't want to cover in his story. EQUIS LIVES!)

Basically, for me, it boils down to this. Lets say 4 players enter a session, they play the game, going by the simplest possible logic we can assume that there are 2 outcomes, one session fails, one session succeeds. It's basic Timeline mathematics. For there to be an failed session there has to be a session that didn't fail. Doesn't have to be a likely session, or even a majority of fruitful sessions but at least one version of every instance (Pre Scratch, post scratch, glitch unglitched, pic your flavour) has to succeed for there to be failed sessions.
>> No. 68444
you guys are missing the important thing.

ghost butts.
>> No. 68445
Other than John's hand motions I really could care less about what they're talking about I mean wow
>> No. 68447
Not my theory but

> JADE: basically hes just going through a lot of stuff right now

>JOHN: he's a sprite. like really, what even is a sprite? how long do they live? will he still be around if we win the new game we are allegedly trying to get to?

>JOHN: god damn dave sprite.
JOHN: that guy molts like it's going out of style
JADE: oh...
JADE: heh
JADE: yeah

Davesprite is dying
>> No. 68448
I quit somewhere after Noir killed bro and then I restarted the comic again.

anyway I had just assumed that noir killed davesprite.

and then when I saw davesprite still had a lot of his injuries on the ship I was surpruised to see him and the other sprites hadn't evaporated or whatever once they left their session. Once I got a handle on that I assumed he'd just recover or get GHOST SCARS.

Only his injuries haven't disappeared, so It doesn't surprise me that he's dying. Also since Hussie killed off like... a dozen dead-trolls it only makes sense that he's killing off davesprite.

Of course davesprite is dying. Hussie is cleaning the metaphorical house so he doesn't have to write those characters anymore.
>> No. 68449
File 134761255360.gif - (64.90KB , 650x450 , 04728[1].gif )
Hussie definitely didn't kill all those dead people "so he didn't have to write them". He didn't have to write them in the first place. They were fucking dead, and for almost all of them, their second death was their first and last appearance in the comic.
Hussie had LE kill them to establish that LE can do stuff the other villains we've seen can't do, namely destroying the safe havens the Dream Bubbles had become in the minds of some readers.

As for the Sprites and Davesprite in particular, I'm sure that they've still got a role to play in the game. We've seen hints that their presence on Skaia is required during the Ultimate Alchemy.

Oh and Davesprite did regrow his wing, didn't he. That's a thing that happened.
>> No. 68450
Okay I'll grant you "didn't have to write them" on the alternatrolls alternakids but I'm thinking he killed Equis just to fuck with people. I didn't even know how much I liked equis until hussie off'd them. I guess that's a good thing...? What ev's it's a fictional character, I don't think something that doesn't exist can die.

Well we saw Dave grow his wing back but how much of that was Sprite Regeneration and how much of that was Hussie just saying "fuck it, he's a sprite he can just regrow the wing so I don;t have to alter the sprite."

I think Dave is dying because Sprites have a "Sell By" date.

In the meantime...


Lets say I get a bunch of games, like fallout 1-3 with new vegas and tactics thrown in their, or Lets say I burn 150 CDs and fill 'em up with my favorite metal songs. What happens to the underlings and Royalty if I alchemize the fallout collection or the heavy metal collection?

Do I just get 1 or 2 changes to the underlings or this massive variety of changes?
>> No. 68451
>Lazy bastard declares Canon half the time just so he doesn't have to deal with things he doesn't want to cover in his story. EQUIS LIVES!
>I'm thinking he killed Equis just to fuck with people.
You're just butthurt and massively biased. How was Equius' death a bigger deal than, say, Feferi or Nepeta's?

Nepeta, Equius, Gamzee and arguably Sollux were always just gimmick characters, even more so than the other less developed trolls (Feferi, Eridan). Hussie even says so himself. He never had any plans to develop any of the trolls in the first place, much less introduce *twelve* of them, and I personally prefer him killing the less important ones off to them standing around being useless and not contributing to the plot. And it's not like they're really gone either, since it looks like the dead guys are planning to bust out of the afterlife.
>> No. 68452
Le Eye Roll.

Technically Nepeta Feferi and all those other trolls you mentioned are fine since they're dead but still part of the after life and therefore can show up in future comics (kinda...) Most of the characters obliterated by lord english were one shot alts or alternakids (like the dave time clones or Altjohn) who were killed soley to show that Lord English can Double-Kill people. I'm mildly butthurt over the whole thing since since it seemed pointless as hell.

and no, no one's busting out of the afterlife. Vriska, as per usual, is giving in to her need to be the absolute best so she's decided to bust out of the afterlife. knowing hussie I think that's gonna be a set up for a gut punch.

and yes, the Trolls, all of the trolls, every single one the Beforus and the Alternian's are joke characters. The Alternian's are parodies of Internet personalities and the Beforeus groups are Tumblr subsets.

Just because they're joke characters though doesn't mean I can't like 'em.
>> No. 68453
>and the Beforeus groups are Tumblr subsets.


>> No. 68454
>Technically Nepeta Feferi and all those other trolls you mentioned are fine since they're dead but still part of the after life and therefore can show up in future comics (kinda...)

Then why make such a big deal about Hussie killing Equius off in the first place?

And yes, I do think they are busting out of the afterlife. Look at the people running around and plotting inside the dream bubbles. We've got people like Vriska and Tavros (who are trying to find a way out), Meenah (who is gathering her old friends to fight English), Sollux (who IS able to leave), Aradia (who is working for the preservation of reality and is cheering the others on), Aranea (who pretty much set this whole thing in motion), Rose and Feferi (who have experience communicating with the Horrorterrors), Roxy (who has some weird Void-y dreambubble thing going, which is especially interesting since they seem to be unique to these few sessions), and Calliope (who might be the key to defeating English)... and then we've got unknown numbers of god tiered kids and trolls. Oh, and Hussie.

They might not be restored to life or allowed to live in the new universe, but it's likely they'll turn out to be important in the final battle. While Hussie does like to toy with our expectations, I doubt all this build-up and talk between some of the most knowledgeable characters in the whole comic is going to turn out to be yet another fakeout.
>> No. 68455
>the Beforeus groups are Tumblr subsets
um, no? Kankri is a parody of over the top PC tumblrites, but the rest aren't
>> No. 68456
I did have a feeling that Meulin Leijon will be a parody of tumblr's shippers/fangirls, but I'm not so sure now. We'll have to see.
>> No. 68457

I got the feeling that Meenah was partially influenced by the [badgirlswagyolo] portion of tumblr
>> No. 68458
File 134763717546.jpg - (85.87KB , 800x613 , 1347517979915.jpg )
I like Equis, I guess I'm in a minority. Whatever. have a Sad Clown In an Iron Lung.

In the mean time.

Aquatic trolls, Clasper Fins or now Clasper fins?
>> No. 68463
Meulin will be a pornographer

the one large subsection of the fandom that we haven't seen in Homestuck yet is the one that makes copious amounts of fanart featuring the characters fucking
>> No. 68468
i dont care about which subset of tumblr each extra character is portraying
>> No. 68469
isn't that what caliborn was doing
>> No. 68470
During Alterniabound it was mentioned that the trolls' sprites were dead. So they're not immortal or invincible.
>> No. 68475
Meulin will be the personification of nudestuck.

Then you'll all be sorry.
>> No. 68478
Meulin = meow + Merlin

She will be a cat wizard, aka. Roxy's wet dream
>> No. 68495
I kinda wanna see Muelin as this horrible parody of people who make porn, and that she pairs everyone she meets in these terribly graphic pictures that she makes.

Catgirls are always so Kawaii Ugu, It would be an amusing change to see a horrible one.
>> No. 68497
Thanks, Davesprite. That was getting a little heavy.
>> No. 68499
>> No. 68568
I hope john gets some of his shit back together next update.
>> No. 68571
I feel like the walkaround flash will never come around at this rate.
>> No. 68573
ok wow, John's flown completely off the handle now. He's full on shouting at the fucking sky.
>> No. 68574
So instead of adventuring through five whole planets each with their own sets of quests and cultures and myths and such, John and co have been dicking around watching stupid terrible movies and slowly driving themselves insane?

Okay just making sure.
>> No. 68576
He can't go do the planet quests, all the Denizens went right the fuck back into sleep mode when they broke through the fenestrated wall, and probably like all the quest-relevant consorts and/or underlings and/or carapacians are all off the worlds dicking around with Ghostbusters MMORPG and terrible movies.

He like just mentioned that.

Also, he'd have to ask Jade for space transport, and doesn't like imposing!
>> No. 68581
so who's more of a prick:
Davesprite for insulting dad on the day of the man's death while it is simultaneously John's birthday


John or that whole "I can't wait to hang out with real Dave again and pretend you never existed" remark?
>> No. 68582
It's like hussie's making up for all the character flaws and development john lost when he was vriska's dick-waifu in act 5 or something
>> No. 68584

John. Directly attacking a ghost bird game construct dude's existential insecurities is way not cool. Particularly when Davesprite became "not real" to "save John from his own stupidity" after "3 months of toil and despair" and "maybe abandoned his sister to be completely alone in an offshoot timeline for the rest of her life" but I dunno.
>> No. 68586
>> No. 68587
I kind of have to disagree. True that happened to Davesprite, but that was 3 months of game time, which was similar to maybe the trolls or whatever other session. Plus things arguably worked out in some way or another, at least for him.

Now in John's case, apparently his own birthday is the day is Dad also died. That has to be horrible, considering that was basically his only family. I know all the guardians died, but in this case, he's reminded of his father's death every time he celebrates the day of his life. Plus he practically witnessed the murder.

His whole bit about bringing Jade into it is in the wrong though, and just an outlet for his frustrations.
>> No. 68588
>Plus he practically witnessed the murder.
Uh, no? He saw the body for a few moments before he was stabbed and when he woke up again, it was gone. Rose and Dave found the bodies of Mom and Bro, and both seemed to take it a lot worse than John did. And Davesprite was actually present when Bro died. Hell, Jade stuffed Grandpa's corpse as a child and basically killed Bec herself.
>> No. 68589
I agree with you.

Davesprite (and Rose due to the dreamself merge, but this isn't about her) has gone through a lot more than the others. First John acts like an idiot and gets himself killed, dooming the timeline and effectively killing Jade and cutting them off from the trolls in the process. Then he sits around with Rose for three months, drinking and trying to find a way to save everyone's asses, knowing that his other two best friends and their respective guardians are dead and that both of them are going to die as well. They each find their way back to the alpha timeline (even though Davesprite probably doesn't know that), but aren't certain how coming from a doomed timeline affects their chances of survival.

And THEN he has to go through all that other crap. Repeatedly saving both John and Dave's asses without getting any credit whatsoever (contrast with Dave and Jadesprite who basically were crybabies until just before the very end and still got fancy god tiers and everything), watching Bro die for the second time, sort of dying himself, fixing that fancy sword for Dave while heavily wounded only to have Dave break it again, almost dying AGAIN and then being forced to live on a shitty yellow ship for three years where the only intelligent company (except Nanna) think that you're not the "real" Dave, all the while having a prolonged existential crisis and being unsure how long it might take before you're going to die for good.

So, what about John? His father died on his birthday? The same day when he also found out just how much Dad loved him, got to meet his friends for the first time (and made some new ones!), experienced a whole lot of exciting adventure and silliness and eventually became a literal god?
>> No. 68590
You gotta admit, John went directly for the soft spots. Davesprite might seem kinda douchy I guess but John went full Karkat.
>> No. 68606
Mocking a kid's dad on the anniversary of his death isn't a soft spot?

If I had to choose, I'd say Davesprite's more in the wrong here due to the unprovoked jab at a touchy subject, but this whole discussion of who's a horrible person for saying what they said seems kind of pointless to me because I don't think either of them are really bad guys. They're obviously both going through some issues right now. John's getting seriously stressed out and bored on this seemingly endless journey and Davesprite's probably going through his own stuff (hence why he broke up with Jade).
>> No. 68607
things have been screwed up between john and future dave ever since present dave told john that "dave wouldn't care" about not being called the real dave - not realizing what those four lost months had done to future dave's perspective.

and in their two years on the capital ship they haven't fixed it, because john thought they were over it and future dave wasn't over it.

and it's just festered for two years of passive aggressive bullshit and we're finally seeing it boil over.

I hope they can work it out before they get to their destination. I want to see all thirteen surviving players be friends and be a team and get along and have a happy ending ok?

>> No. 68621
Jade is about to tell John that Davesprite is dead and he is going to feel so guilty. That letter was his goodbye note.
>> No. 68622
oh fuck
>> No. 68623
Yeah, was just about to say, the only way John's really going to come down from this rage is by Jade dropping that particular bomb. It felt like the last panel she was going to say it, but I guess Hussie might want to use that to transition into the second walkaround, and he needs more time.
>> No. 68625
Seems dumb to me.
Her saying "he's not coming because he broke up with me" instead of "he's not coming because he's fucking dead", I mean. Talk about priorities.

Besides, I'm pretty sure the sprites still have a role to play in the future.
>> No. 68627
But Davesprite's not a normal sprite. He might still have the doomed timeline horrible death thing going, remember?
>> No. 68629
Of course he has that thing going on. But letting things that should be dead live on is what sprites are all about, isn't it?
>> No. 68634
I guess passing out is another way to get off of that tantrum.

Wonder who he'll see? Calliope?
>> No. 68635

Meenah. Obviously.. this is a perfect segue back into her ludicrous timey wimey bubble adventures
>> No. 68636
maybe Vriska's powers still work from the dreambubbles and she wanted to see him?
>> No. 68637
File 134827487126.png - (1.45KB , 103x82 , en.png )

i've lost it
>> No. 68638
File 134827503546.png - (1.09KB , 91x95 , en.png )
jhon why
>> No. 68639
File 134827648193.png - (938B , 97x88 , 152w4.png )
being homestuck is suffering
>> No. 68641
I never really cared for John before this. That face
>> No. 68645
...I don't remember passing out after tantrum as a teenager.

I'm not entirely sure that's normal for john to be doing.
>> No. 68646
...I don't remember passing out after tantrum as a teenager.

I'm not entirely sure that's normal for john to be doing.
>> No. 68656
I'm sure John will get back to normal once he starts questing and getting shit done.
>> No. 68657
File 134843467285.png - (203.39KB , 500x375 , tumblr_l7h1z4Lbrd1qdoghio1_500.png )
>Jade getting exasperated at John for falling asleep in the driveway
>The girl with narcolepsy
>> No. 68660

That shit was Vriska, yo
>> No. 68661
Someone told me that the game will be released for everyone tonight, confirm/deny?
>> No. 68664
probably not, the whole point of letting some people play it early was for them to find & report the bugs in the game before it was released on the site. that's what a beta is.

it'll probably take a day to collect than info and then at least one other to fix them.
>> No. 68665
but Jade doesn't know that
>> No. 68666

you thought WROOOOOOONG

>We're accelerating release plans a bit, we'll probably be doing a full launch within the day. If not in a few hours.

>> No. 68670
>Update just landed
>Sunday night
>Classes in morning
Why do you hate me Hussie.
>> No. 68671
So Mituna saved everyone by some mysterious means which resulted in him shattering his own mind. Meulin went deaf after hearing Kurloz make a sound brought on by a nightmare he had which then resulted in him swearing to never speak again. Did Kurloz fall prey to Gamzee's chucklevoodoos? And apparently Gamzee is not actually God tier.. he is just wearing the Godhood for some reason.
>> No. 68672
I as really annoyed with this update until I gave whats his face the Cod piece and then it got awesome
>> No. 68673
>Gamzee makes everyone believe he's god tier so they think they can kill him permanently with a Just death
>they kill him on a quest bed under the impression it will do no harm
>> No. 68674
>> No. 68675
God, they're all so... HORRIBLE. Hatred for Gamzee cemented hard unless he's planning this to betray Caliborn.

That stuff with Karkat and Terezi was pretty sweet, though.
>> No. 68676
I know right it owned!
This but also with meenah. Shame dat KArkat/meenah probably wont go anywhere
>> No. 68678
I know what you mean. Starting to ship those two pretty pail.
>> No. 68679
>Okay, back to Adventures in Deadland. Maybe I'll get to meet Rufio this flash, aka Taurus Superior.
>The Condesce scams her population via the soda market, all while keeping her trim figure. I knew there was a reason she was my favorite Homstuck villain.
>Oh, it's Dualscar, or should I say, Cronus. Does he seriously have a double Harry Potter scar good grief.
>... What is this guy supposed to be? He's all sensitive and junk while still managing to be pretentious, whiny, and overly ambitious in his sex life.
>Oh wow it's the Psionic oh. Well that excitement was short lived.
>Oh my gosh I've seen this guy before on every forum and imageboard ever created.
>Wow, the fact that Kankri started lecturing him has completely turned around my opinion of Mituna. Poor kid.
>Game Bro.
>Ha ha Hussie trolling us with the fake Problem Sleuth cameos.
>"Kurloz?" Maybe the Expatriate?
>Oh god, Cronus thinks he's really a human. Yeah, he's worse than Eridan.
>Mituna manages to troll Cronus. Yeah, he's definitely in my good book now.
>Oh boy, the Highblood.
>... Well that was weird.
>Well, Meulin seems pretty cute.
>... And she communicates animated gifs through sign.
>Meulin and Kurloz. Pre-Codpiece, that was the best conversation in Homestuck history.
>Post-Codpiece, I was completely wrong about that. Good lord. This development is so utterly terrifying.
>Daw, Meenah and Karkat are so sweet.
>Don't worry, Terezi. Latula's radicalness sent me into a deep depression too.
>Okay, so Cronus really is Harry Potter and he was supposed to beat Voldemort. But he failed, so Eridan had to do it. But he failed, so now Jake has to do it.

Dang, there's way more to these chumps' backstories than I expected.
>> No. 68680
Wow I mean pale. Great slip there, me.
>> No. 68681
File 13484705798.png - (64.05KB , 500x303 , tumblr_mauan4aDva1qe9fbo.png )
please what was this
I missed it and am too tired to play it again
>> No. 68682

That's where she's talking to Meenah about the humans and how they exponentially increase her possibilities for shipping
>> No. 68684
File 13484713157.gif - (20.88KB , 650x450 , mu in a nutshell.gif )
Mituna is kawaii as hell. I hope he isn't cursed with no-screentime-cuz-his-quirk-is-a-pain-to-type-osis.
>> No. 68685
Meenah's a true bro. I didn't expect her to stand up for Mituna like that when Douchescar and later Kankri were talking shit about him.
>> No. 68688
So from Aranea's exposition fairy burble at the end, We can summarise:
Kurloz used to be a chill dude, and was <3 with Meulin, then had a gamzee induced nightmare let out a vast honk, deafened meulin and went nuts. He then used chucklevoodoos to brainwash meulin into helping him, convinced cronus to give up on magic, (which would've lead to Cronus being the guy to kill LE, somehow forced mituna to burn out his powers and lead to him being a drooling retard and the helped gamzee put together hia god tier outfit.

Those rage players been BUSY.
>> No. 68689
Fuck Gamzee. Fuck him so much. I wish Kanaya had kicked him slightly harder in the nuts.

So I think we can pretty safely assume that Rage and Hope are opposing aspects, given the whole servant vs saviour thing they've got going with English.

Space - Time
Light - Void
Life - Doom
Hope - Rage
Blood - Mind (???)
Breath - Heart (???)
>> No. 68690
oh look Cronus has joined Kankri and Eridan in the tie for Worst Character In Homestuck

I really liked Kurloz before shit got spooky though, he was adorbs. Now he's just another evil clown, even though I guess it's in-character.

Also wow Cronus getting handsy with Mituna while trying to sweet-talk him was literally the most uncomfortable thing I've read in weeks.
>> No. 68691
So English tried to kill Cronus, whose latent Hope powers sent the magickz right back at him, somehow trapping his soul/spirit/whatever inside Cal and/or the Cueball. Which is why he has to be summoned through hatching Scratch, instead of simply entering the universes like he does the dreambubbles.

And then he basically gave up as a magician because chucklevoodoos and passed the role as English's slayer to Eridan, who in turn gave it to Jake.
>> No. 68692
File 134848252131.jpg - (201.97KB , 500x500 , ragecat.jpg )
Man I thought Cronus was just going to be an annoying dbag.

Then he grilled Mituna and fuck I hate him more than anything now.
>> No. 68693

But it's interesting that white magic has been a thing confirmed to exist, and not just the result of Eridan's wand. I wonder if Damara wields the time majjyyckz as well.
>> No. 68694
Oh God, how could we not realize this earlier? He's evil, he's a Lord and he's English. It should have been so obvious! We even saw him use a wand! And the nose! Just look at the fucking nose!
>> No. 68695
oh mitunas text boxs look like 4chan posts oh
>> No. 68696
File 134848325924.png - (109.86KB , 302x464 , haha hehe hoho hihi.png )
Two snakes and a wand.
You're welcome.
>> No. 68699
What the fuck was the point of the Kurloz/Gamzee thing? I get that they both work for English, but why? And why the hell is the codpiece important? Is it a juju?

Man, this shit just makes less and less sense as we go.
>> No. 68700
breath - blood
mind - heart

breath - blood because john/karkat, and how they both seem to be changing to their opposite personalities when stressed.
>> No. 68702
It's their religion.
It showed the gamzee - lord english connection that has been hinted at for a while now.

The codpiece is important because it shows how gamzee got the god tier outfit.
>> No. 68703

karkat failed in moiralship, and gamzee is evil and will fuck over all his friends.
karkat succeed and gamzee doing some long con to fuck over english by putting himself as a close ally of english
>> No. 68704
Moirailship isn't about keeping people from being evil, it's about keeping their murderous rage from taking over.
This is about his religion, not his rage. His rage ended when he stopped killing his friends indiscriminately and seemingly without reason.
>> No. 68705
So, Mituna diagnosis?
'Brain damage' is kind of a broad spectrum, and it could be a lot of things. Cronus throwing around the word 'retarded' could mean he's got some form of autism, but his mood swings could make him a manic aggressive/manic depressive.
'Falling down' is not really a symptom of any of these things.
>> No. 68706
>The codpiece is important because it shows how gamzee got the god tier outfit.
Got it, or got it back?
>> No. 68707
File 134851671222.png - (53.54KB , 650x450 , livingparodies.png )
>> No. 68708
>the codpiece is a juju
>the only known juju breaker is crowbar's....crowbar

Crowbar to the crotch seems likely? That or it'll get alchemised to make jujubreaker weapons.

heh, juju as a word is now meaningless I'm saying it so much
>> No. 68709
he blew out a circuit in his brain while overusing psychic powers, it is not comparable to any real-world disorder. the closest you can get is dementia via traumatic injury.

also "retarded" is not a synonym of "autistic" and he doesn't act anything like an autisic person, are you stupid?
>> No. 68710
Meenah and Cronus implied, and Aranea outright stated, that Mituna wasn't always "special," so I don't think he's autistic or anything. I think it's more likely that he literally injured his brain when he burnt out his psiionics.
>> No. 68711
He's a fictional character in a work of fiction not know for its extremely accurate depictions of real-life things, I don't think any diagnosis will work here. He seems to be a parody of people who use their autism or other diagnosis as a sort of "get away with anything" card, and that's all we can really say about his brain problems.
>> No. 68713
i like how we find out that one half of the two person cult seems worried about the idea of the juju breaker being in the wrong hands and he real juju breaker is in the hands of one of the most dangerous agents with a grudge against LE.

Like no matter how bleak the story might seem I will always have hope as long as Slick is alive and armed with that crowbar.
>> No. 68714
mituna seems to be almost semi accurate of what very little I know of what happens when you become retarded from brain damage as opposed to downs or some other thing you are born with. He becomes kinda stupid and childlike and uncontrollably aggressive and feel guilty about that aggression.
>> No. 68717
File 134852916453.gif?spoiler - (268.03KB , 650x800 , 03521[1].gif?spoiler )
The codpiece is important for one extremely simple reason.
>> No. 68718
why do people keep using the word "retarded" here

I mean yes it's the word some of the characters used but it's objectively incorrect in this case - it refers to a specific developmental defect, so that someone whose brain problems stem from physical trauma is by definition not a retard.
>> No. 68719
because most of us are just as ignorant of correct terminology as the characters and just go with what they said.
>> No. 68720
okay that's fair. sorry I probably came off sorta harsh there.
>> No. 68721
okay that's fair. sorry I probably came off sorta harsh there.
>> No. 68722
no worries mate, you were right to correct us.
>> No. 68723
you shouldn't be calling mentally disabled people retards anyway, no matter what their problem is. it's kind of a slur especially when the person you're calling a retard is actually disabled and not just a normal guy making bad decisions
>> No. 68726
I dont see how Meulin is really any different than Nepeta.
Shes deaf, and uses a different quirk. but everything else is the same.

I mean Cronus is at least Eridan in reverse.
Eridan: hipster, becomes wizard
Cronus: wizard, becomes (a hipster of sorts)
>> No. 68729
Less roleplaying and more reaction gifs I guess.
>> No. 68730
Meulin is way more excitable than Nepeta was. And she uses gifs when she talks. I think that's about it.

Oh, she also might have memory problems? She didn't remember Meenah trying to kill her multiple times. Sure it's been a long ass time since she was alive, but everyone else seemed able to remember the things that happened when they were alive pretty clearly. Actually this is probably a side-effect of Kurloz, or whatever his name is, using his chucklevoodoos on her. That wiped a small part of her memory during the walk-around, wouldn't be surprising if it is having some longterm effects on her, or if Kurloz has just been frequently doing that to her for a really long time.

On a side note, is anyone else disappointed we haven't seen any of the dead A2 trolls? If there would be a good time for any of them to show up again it would be during one of these walk arounds. I'm hopeful there will be at least a few of them in the next one but I'm not expecting it.
>> No. 68731
So what's up with Mituna having 4chan posts in his speech bubbles?

Was HSG doing a thing where they made him dumb and goofed around with reaction images based on that? Did Hussie incorporate this?

Or did Hussie just photoshop those 4chan posts as a shout-out to that sect of the fandom?
>> No. 68732
>Wub wub wub
Series dropped.
>> No. 68733
The latter, but like most of the A2 trolls he's based on some peculiar and particularly horrific internet subculture. In Mituna's case, channers.
>> No. 68734
>is anyone else disappointed we haven't seen any of the dead A2 trolls?
Didn't they all die? Like, a second time?
>> No. 68736
Uh. We don't know? There are more than just a few bubbles, and there are probably several versions of each A2 troll running around. Most of the trolls he killed on-screen were either dreamselves or god tiers from doomed timelines.

Anyway, hey look, another god tier! I think. Or maybe he just has wings anyway.
>> No. 68737
Perhaps Mituna blew out the part of his brain that lets him enter REM sleep.
>> No. 68738
It was implied in Mindfang's journal that wings are some long-dormant trait present in all trolls that the Summoner somehow achieved. I guess Rufio(n?) did the same thing.
>> No. 68746
>and that someone is...
Well it's not gonna be John, so it's either gonna be Vriska/Tavros or Jack/PM
>> No. 68747

I will never lose faith.
>> No. 68751
It could be related to the Red(dit) Scare of HSG. There was a lot of paranoia that Mituna would be based of Reddit, and the wailing and gnashing of teeth that followed would be perfectly mirrored in M.Captor. I like to think Mituna speaks with the voice synthesizer from Moonbase Alpha/thread simulators.

Mituna's Yotsuba B textbox is in-universe called an Injury Panel. I hope we get to hear Hussie's elaborate and symbolic backstory for that.
>> No. 68752
You ask me, he's just based on the impression Hussie got of 4chan when Halftruth went there. That being two things: people shitposting and people apologizing for said shitposting.
>> No. 68755
Hussie's trying to parody 4chan but is utterly clueless to what it's like.
>> No. 68756
I don't think he's trying to parody 4chan, just HSG. If that's the case then Mituna is pretty accurate.
>> No. 68767
It's tumblr.
He's parodying tumblr.

They do all this shit and more.
>> No. 68769
Problem is, then there isn't a reason for his idiosyncratic text boxes.
>> No. 68770
he was different before that brain-frying accident. if we ever see him again and he's more coherent he might be a better approximation of 4chan than he is right now.

right now he doesn't really seem like a parody of anything
>> No. 68771
That, and he's actually called "helmchan" in one of those dialog tags.
>> No. 68774
also the image file for the textbox is "4chan.jpg"
>> No. 68782
Which is hilarious, as it implies 4chan is regular mentality, while HSG is the chaos of brain damage.
So perfectly accurate.
>> No. 68783
>Noir is tired of being chased by an omnipotent demon
Shoes on the other foot now fucker.

Perhaps he'll see the error of his wahahah hes just going to murder a shitload of people again.
>> No. 68784
For the first time since his introduction does Jack Noir now have motivation as a character
>> No. 68785
"Does not want to wear princess dress and clown hat" is a perfectly fine motivator.
>> No. 68786
Anybody else smell redemption?
>> No. 68787
i fucking hope not christ
>> No. 68788
For whom? Jack? Why on earth would Jack the Omnicidal Maniac be looking to redeem himself?
>> No. 68790

this isn't going to be something as completely out of character as "oh man all those people i gleefully murdered i suddenly feel bad about"
>> No. 68791
Don't forget Jack is part Bec as well
>> No. 68792
So far that hasn't stopped him from killing the entire freaking cast.
>> No. 68793
I'm quite certain he'll be redeemed by heroically sacrificing himself to save the Kids/Trolls/PM/reality from English. That would give some actual meaning to his character other than "game construct who kills everything indiscriminately lol." And PM wouldn't have to bloody her hands!
>> No. 68794
>overlooking scene of a massacre he made, with uncertain expression
Oh my GOD I hope Hussie is just baiting us with this. I will shit miles of rage snake if he makes this asshole feel repentant.
>> No. 68795
Really I thought it was more of a "Man she really hated me murdering those dudes. Oh man look at all those dead dudes. Oh shit, right, didnt I murder these guys too? Aw shit I hope that doesnt piss her off more..." sort of thing
>> No. 68799
So was I the only one who thought broken rainbow space looked really pretty?

Also I would love if the next walk around you play as PM looking through the dream bubbles trying to find Jack.

Hm, I wonder if PM will run into WV soon.
>> No. 68801
>Also I would love if the next walk around you play as PM looking through the dream bubbles trying to find Jack.
I hope we get a PM whackamole-type game with her trying to crush Jacks as they emerge from holes in paradox space. It would be marvelous.
>> No. 68802
Nah, it's pretty obvious that the walkarounds are all about the A1 players.
Plus they were originally supposed to be only one walkaround anyway.
>> No. 68806
bahahaha, is it time already to ruin John's day?

>> No. 68811
>> No. 68812
There is noone there for him to slaughter.
>> No. 68813
and that is the greatest tragedy of all
>> No. 68814
No, because then HE would be double death

and that's the wrong angel to use
>> No. 68815
I think it might be the part where Jack tries to disguise himself by putting a severed head on as if it were a mask.
>> No. 68816
Yes, we get it, this is the castle he ravaged in that walkaround flash. The grimdark cloud kind of clued us in.
>> No. 68818
He's finally getting the pointlessness of his slaughter.

I mean not like he gonna stop stabbin altogether, but now he'll only stab WITH A PURPOSE.

I can see that sort of "redemption" happening.
>> No. 68821
This is why Jack Noir will stop indisciminately slaughtering people.
He will finally realize he has a finite number of people to slaughter, and he can't bear a world with no on to kill.
>> No. 68822
>You've got dibs on English. He's all yours.
>> No. 68829
comeon Jackstuck. We need a Jacknight crew to all get happy stabby with LE instead of all these cool kids and trolls we love.
>> No. 68834
why do I get the feeling either something monumentously important or completely trivial is in that box?

who am i kidding, it's probably lil' Cal.
>> No. 68836
I'm expecting Lil' Cal and something English-related (Jack understanding the connection between the two?)
>> No. 68840
He already considered that back around the time he talked to the Draconian Dignitary, though I think that and the fact that random genocide apparently gets you chased through the void for longer than the actual murders were could make him a bit smarter about when to kill. Being basically omnipotent compared to mortals, he can easily go around punishing weakness without just killing everybody.

Also, not sure what's in the chest, but the chances of John waking up in the dream world by reviving that dead version of himself seem waaaay up there.
>> No. 68843
And by a stroke of perfection, lil Cal is both.
>> No. 68844
I don't think it's unrealistic for Jack to be kinda surprised upon seeing just how much death and destruction he caused. Keep in mind he's been flying around for two years not killing anyone. For the first time in . . . just about ever, Jack isn't angry. He's likely just kinda bored, and all that time away from anything might've caused him to mellow out.

I don't expect Jack to stop killing, not by a long shot, but this might make him tone it down a bit. Besides, the Jack of the B2 game is still as psychotic and murderhappy as ever, so it's not like the old Jack is really gone.

>the chances of John waking up in the dream world by reviving that dead version of himself seem waaaay up there.

I'm gonna second this. And whatever is in the chest is probably just something that will get John even angrier, like one of the "trophies" from Seer: Descend. Probably Dad's bloody hat or something.
>> No. 68845
Right now, there are four known Jacks running around, aren't there?
We've got Bec Noir, we've got Spades Slick, we've got the Jailbreak Jack and we've got the Cherub Session Jack.
The only one we haven't seen is the A1 Jack.
>> No. 68846
>> No. 68847
>> No. 68850
Welp time for John to attempt to take out some anger on ol' Jack

Maybe because it's a dream he won't get stabbed right off the bat???

(who am I kidding, he'll get stabbed right off the bat)
>> No. 68852
I'm expecting Jack to toss John the hammer like he tossed Bro the sword way back on Lowas. Then either PM or Davesprite show up to help.
>> No. 68855
So many pages in just 24 hours. I had forgotten this feeling.

Has Homestuck returned to multiple daily updates at last?
>> No. 68858
Well now you've jinxed it.

But seriously, what's gonna happen here? PM and John vs. Jack?

Also, did anyone notice how when Dirk left the bubble (which was currently using Meenah's memories) it was fuscia, but when Jack entered this bubble, it was blue? Does the colour of the bubble coinside with who's dreaming inside it?
>> No. 68861
Nah. That'd be pointless. We already know that Jack is good at stabbing John, and Hussie did not have John fall asleep in his driveway just to prove that point again.
>> No. 68865
I forget, did John find out that it's Jack who killed Dad? He seems pretty keen on forgiving people who "killed" him, and he knows Rose is alive again too. He's even going to be reminded of Vriska via the hammer, and her tricking him into letting himself get killed is what got him to god tier.
>> No. 68866
Sure he did. That's why he got all angry for a second there in the flash after Seer: Descend.
>> No. 68867
Ah, I forgot they actually were killed in the same place.

In that case, I wildly speculate that Jade shows up and gets both invincible demons to join her as part of a new team called the Space-Wolf Pack.
>> No. 68871
It's time for John's birthday shanking again?
>> No. 68878
A shank for every year old he is, as with tradition.
>> No. 68880
File 134889853646.gif - (33.64KB , 650x450 , 05332.gif )
this is a nice panel.
>> No. 68882
John has two left arms in this picture.
>> No. 68883
>John actually looking pissed off and doing something potentially badass

well I'll be.
>> No. 68884
Did John just do a kamehameha?

>SWOOSHSWOOSHSWOOSH in the background
>> No. 68885
is he windgrabbing the hammer, Thor style, or is pushing Jack away with the wind?
>> No. 68886

Windgrab, I think. The Breeze is all about redistribution.

Rematch With A Tier-Two God: Fight!
>> No. 68887
No he doesn't.
>> No. 68888
Since he's a level 2 God Tier and Vriska COULD have taken Jack when she was a level 1(Plus Jack is now tired) is there a chance John and PM will just murder Jack right here?
What with LORD ENGLISH suddenly completely stealing the big bad kill em all spot, Jack is becoming kinda redundant.
>> No. 68889
Vriska was top tier God tier. She actually gained all the levels. All of them
>> No. 68890
We really don't know how high up Vriska got in the god tiers, but I think Hussie implied that she had at least climbed some of the way up. Remember, she helped kill the Black King after she achieved god tier. I'm sure that awards her at least some levels. Also, she rolled her most powerful one-in-16,777,216 ability, granting her amazing power. And even after all that, the results of the hypothetical fight between her and Jack were left ambiguous. So if all those conditions does nothing more than giving her a chance of winning, I really don't think John has a shot here.
>> No. 68891
>What with LORD ENGLISH suddenly completely stealing the big bad kill em all spot, Jack is becoming kinda redundant.
Dude you're missing the point entirely. Jack is the guy who switches sides to fight any threat that's bigger than him. He's the Vegeta to LE's Cell. If you just go read the comic you can tell he already regrets being an evil asshole but doesn't quite know how not to be that. He'll probably figure it out just in time to make a heroic sacrifice in the ultimate final battle.
>> No. 68893
Actually, she did say to John in his walkaround on the planet that he could potentially surpass her in power. That means there are levels above her own that John could potentially reach.
>> No. 68898
Didn't she also say Tavros would have been unstoppable at god tier?

I wonder what other aspects would yield a more powerful Thief, if any. Vriska's title seems to be low on the scale in terms of pure ass-kicking ability, with her relative strength just being a result of her high level and good equipment.
>> No. 68900
Light as an aspect is probably best paired with classes that specialize in guidance, such as Seer, rather than agressive ones like Thief. Similarly, Breath seems to be designed almost solely for active use in the fray - Seer of Breath would probably be a hopelessly shitty title. On the other hand, while I'm not sure what a thief of breath would do either, a thief of Time or Hope could probably wreck some terrible shit on an oponnent.
>> No. 68901
Berlin- Take My Breath Awayyoutube thumb
>> No. 68902
Tavros being unstoppable was more a jab at how he was too cowardly to ever do heroics, and wasn't evil either, so wouldn't ever actually stay dead. Of course, Pages are all about eventual high potential, so...
>> No. 68908
A Seer of breath would use the flow of air to tell where attacks are coming from and warn people of them. Basically s/he'd have spidey sense.

They may also be able to use the ability to find people based on their breathing or use the breeze to organise the clouds of skaia, letting them see the future that way.

A thief of breath would take your breath away both literally and figuratively by strangulation/being devilishly handsome.

(but this is the wrong thread for that)
>> No. 68909
The speed at which they're flying does more to shake Jack's sword arm than John's hammmer strikes, which seem to not move it at all. Bad physics or incredibly nonsensical physics?
>> No. 68910
Well. We're not quite at "throwing galaxies like chakrams" yet, but we do have "bracing yourself for a block by standing on the severed arm of a dead universe".
>> No. 68911
or maybe it's just fucking homestuck
>> No. 68913
Nah. Not buying it. Hussie puts a lot of care into working out other details in logic.
>> No. 68919
Looks like Jack is having to take this seriously if he's using the tentacles.

>in the little "clobber" unsound effect, the bs are 8s, Vriska style

>> No. 68921
It's a dream bubble
You know one of those tiny dreamscape afterlife pocket universes made by the omnipotent magical horrors living in the void between worlds where physics are all kind of fucked
Pretty sure they don't care much about logics
>> No. 68925
Oh hey, Breath isn't completely useless.
>> No. 68926
So Heirs literally become their element they are assigned to? And it looks like John is meeting un-grimdarked Rose somewhat in-person for the first time.
>> No. 68928
That's actually pretty bad ass. Hypothetically, he could go all Wham! on his enemies.
>> No. 68929
I think that might be partly another dream thing. Since he already experienced dying so much, it didn't shock him enough to be woken up by it, and took advantage of his body daringness to envision himself as being made of breath (but not Maid of Breath).
>> No. 68931
Poor Jack can't catch a break. Can't a guy kill someone without them coming back to life and bashing him on the head with a hammer?
>> No. 68932
Poor Jack can't catch a break. Can't a guy kill someone without them coming back to life and bashing him on the head with a hammer?
>> No. 68933
I hope becoming their element isn't a dream thing, because then Equius could turn into a black hole.

Wait, he's dead. He could probably do it anyway then!
>> No. 68935
Once again, Breath proves to be pretty much the best power. Why aren't there more attributes that give unique superpowers like that? I really liked my theory that Heroes of Life could create and control plants. But nope, they're just healers. Boring.

But hey, maybe Heroes of Blood use actual blood in their attacks? That'd be pretty wicked.
>> No. 68936
Maybe Heir is Maid's active counterpart (or vice versa)?
>> No. 68937
Jack gets breathported and attacked from behind for once. Oh the irony

>> No. 68939
Hey now, we haven't really seen a fully realized Life player in action. Feferi was woefully neglected, Meenah is a godtier but also a thief (leech rather than heal) and dead, and Jane's only display of life powers was an automatic defense mechanism.

I imagine we'll see something interesting from either Meenah or Jane in the future.
>> No. 68941

also that's some nice application of that seer stuff rose
>> No. 68943
File 134915894852.gif - (52.80KB , 650x650 , 04687.gif )
> Feferi was woefully neglected
Not completely.
>> No. 68944
Wasn't he one of the ghosts LE hyperbeamed? He's as dead as it gets.
>> No. 68945
Or is he?

Seeing he is the Heir of Void their might be a small chance that he was able to avoid that attack. Though becoming one's aspect might be a godtier-level power so I don't know...hmm...
>> No. 68947
>I really liked my theory that Heroes of Life could create and control plants. But nope, they're just healers. Boring.
>But hey, maybe Heroes of Blood use actual blood in their attacks? That'd be pretty wicked.

How a character uses their aspect seems to mostly be based on their title. You're also underestimating Heroes of Life. The Condesce was able to keep her Helmsman effectively the same age for thousands of years. Jane was able to bring herself back to life after she died. That stuff is a pretty big deal if you think about it. Also we haven't really seen anyone use a Life power offensively, so we don't know what kind of stuff Life players are really capable of. It's possible that extremely high leveled Heroes of Life with the right title would be capable of creating entirely new life. It would make them worthy of the GOD-tier, at least.

Karkat could very well end up doing some blood-bending by the end of Homestuck. The aspects aren't always that literal though, even for active classes. Vriska was a Thief of Light but she stole luck, not sunshine.

This is just a theory, but I can see Blood being code for 'unification' in the same way Light is code for 'fortune.' Karkat took a very divided group of trolls and, if only for a little while, united them against one cause. If knights are meant to use their aspect for offense (pretty sure that's been said at some point), then this would've been a way for Karkat to do that; using unity as an offensive weapon by uniting everyone against something and making them focus all of their efforts into working against whatever that thing is. Maybe now that Karkat is helping Meenah, he'll actually get all of the dead pre-scratch trolls focused on working together and beating Lord English. Or he'll just blood bend, I don't know.

Sorry if this post belongs in the Idea & Theory thread, but the discussion IS turning towards what players can do with their powers so . . .
>> No. 68950
Maybe that was actually supposed to happen to him? Like, it was part of the game's 'plan' that it has for all of its players.

He is the Heir of Void, getting laserfucked out of existence by Lord English is about as much as that title can get fulfilled. Dunno how this would be useful at all, but who knows, maybe this is what needed to happen to Equius for his role in this story to actually start.
>> No. 68951
I love Jack's little "why are none of these kids staying dead?!?" face before he get vrilly8onked.
>> No. 68952
> I can see Blood being code for 'unification' in the same way Light is code for 'fortune.'
See, that's what irritates me; only three or four aspects actually have any tangible potency. Light, Hope, Doom, Rage, Mind, Heart, Void... all of those are either concepts or code for concepts (Light = Fate, Heart = Souls). And I get that some classes are more offensively oriented than others, but it seems like the vast majority of classes would have no offensive capability whatsoever.

Breath also seems to be the odd one out by being the only aspect associated with a classical element.
>> No. 68956
But there seems to be some evidence that a little bit of literal shit comes with the coded crap. Like how aranea can make people "see the light" by either bestowing them with understanding or literally healing blindness.

Also, I think that 9 times out of ten one's player title isn't supposed to be their main source of battle prowress. Terezi was a seer of mind, so she just beat stuff up with her cane like a normal person because even people with passive-ass titles have to fight shit in sburb.
>> No. 68958

In other news, Bryan Lee O'Malley interviewed Andrew, and it's good. I love it when fellow artists interview each other because they tend to ask better questions than "where do you get yr ideas" and stuff like that.
>> No. 68959
Pictured: How Hussie comes up with ideas.
>> No. 68963
Wow, I didn't notice the first time around how sad and poignant it is that Grimdark Rose's reaction upon being forced to examine her dead mother is "There's no sign of Jack here, he must be somewhere in the castle."
>> No. 68967
Welp, looks like jack is going to go ballistic.
>> No. 68970
So did John just roll really low, or does the vrillyhoo have more silly John related outcomes? Because I'd love to see John accidentally roll ancestral awakening. What the fuck would even happen
>> No. 68971
File 134925286197.jpg - (72.91KB , 650x450 , 05355.jpg )
1. Pony Stampede
2. T-Rex
3. Elf
4. Prank
5. Rerollx2
6. McConaughey
7. Naptime
8. Ridiculous Hat
>> No. 68972
They're dice, they're random in their nature.

I bet this hammer would be supper effective if Vriska and John swung it together.
>> No. 68973
Instant K.O hits could be pretty cool.

But yeah, Jack's gonna go fucking nuts when he sees that hat.
>> No. 68974
On another note, based on pixel counts John only needs to hit Jack 8 more times to defeat him! It is sooo possible! Just probably not in this sequence.
>> No. 68975
Unless, of course, one of Jack's powers we haven't seen yet is called LADDER TO HELL.
>> No. 68983
Oh fuck no. I would cry then quit Homestuck.
>> No. 68984
Did anyone else think that Jack and John were actually going to talk when they saw the dialoglog?

Also, I wonder how PM is going to act towards John. Last time she saw him was way back after Descend. At the time she seemed pretty pissed at him because, since the package with the bunny was for him, I guess she thought he was indirectly responsible for all the bad shit that happened.

So, will this be Jack vs PM and John?

Or will it be Jack vs John vs PM 3 way battle?
>> No. 68985
oh no, a girl! I can't fight with a girl watching!
>> No. 68988
well after seeing that hat, I think John isn't so ragey anymore at least.

He just had to let off some steam fighting an invincible dog demon, that's all.
>> No. 68992
File 134934324547.gif - (52.79KB , 650x650 , 05358.gif )
Jack is absurdly kawaii when he gets really angry and just starts barking.
>> No. 68994
I think John will actually protect Jack once he sees him being so helpless against PM, which will further show Jack the value in not immediately killing everyone as soon as possible.
>> No. 68996
>protect Jack
>The guy who KILLED his DAD.

>> No. 68997
Who says Jack is helpless vs. PM? I think the idea is that they're equally matched in power and Jack would rather chase an asteroid full of graveyard stuffers than fight someone on even footing.
>> No. 68999
He isn't helpless, but he seemed fairly nervous when trying to fight her, and might act helpless enough for John to go "Stop fighting, doggies, I'm just gonna put both of you in your kennels." He might let her beat the tar out of him, but I think there's a possibility of this Jack not becoming dead just yet. Alternately, John fails to realise PM isn't just some kind of recolored Jack and gets into a fight that temporarily distracts her. If that happens I think Jack is smart enough to take the opportunity and split.
>> No. 69000
So Grey DeLisle's taken an interest in Homestuck now. Wants to VA in the game if there's voice acting.

>> No. 69001
>Basco doing Tavros' lines while DeLisle does Vriska's

>> No. 69002
As awesome as it would be for Rufio to do the voice of Tavros, I don't see him as a good va for Tavros. My ideal VA for Tavros is Michael Sinterniklaas, but that's just me.
>> No. 69010
And here is her voice over for Rose:
>> No. 69013
lets just get the whole avatar crew on board.
>> No. 69014
==> PM: Show john your stabs
>> No. 69016
... the fuck just happened?
>> No. 69017
John lost his unfathomable bloodlust due to the appearance of the bunny sassacre hat
Jack got all spaghetti after his crush saw him wearing a stupid hat and split
PM sidled up to John to say hey.
>> No. 69019
(new thread when the next update hits? This one's on autosage)
>> No. 69032
With both fandoms combined, nothing shall be sacred.
>> No. 69034
Everything changed when the Avatar VAs attacked.
>> No. 69035
are we sageing
>> No. 69038
I wonder what other voice actors will Hussie's $ 2.5 million lure in.
>> No. 69042
Fan VAs and these unofficial pro VAs voicing Homestuck is cool, but I don't want them anywhere near the game or Homestuck proper. VAs have their annoying ways of projecting their opinions onto the characters they voice.
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